¡Feliz Regreso!

Welcome (and welcome back!) to Spanish class in room 203 at LaSalle II! I’m excited for all of the fun things we will be learning and doing in Spanish class this year.

There are a few new changes for this school year:

  1. Spanish class 205 has a new teacher, Ms. Poveda! She is originally from Albacete, Spain.
  2. This year in grade 3 the world language department will be trying out a new system of assessment and grading. More information to follow!
  3. This year also marks the first in the Spanish classroom that we are NOT having homework in grades 3-8. No homework? But plenty of opportunities to practice via the website and more importantly, opportunities for students to monitor their own progress and have discussion with their families via our new self-assessment Google forms, which students will complete three times a quarter. More info to come on this as well!

As always, please email me with any questions or concerns!